ABOUT: Beginner 2-3 sets. Advanced 3 sets. Complete 5 exercises in a row with a 1.5-2 min rest in between circuits.
0:13: Lunge to Knee Up -10 each side. Lunges are important for building up gluteus maximus, hamstring, iliopsoas, and quad strength. The knee up will help practice the alignment and knee drive necessary during skating jumps. Aim for triple extension if jumping (extended hip, knee, and ankle).
1:55: Single Leg Pulses - 10 each side. Practice the load and explode (bend and extension) necessary during skating jumps. Pull your posture tall at the peak of the movement, just like during skating jumps and skills. These single leg pulses will also help us with bending, which involves hinging at the hip and bending both the knees and ankles. Double check your alignment! The knees should be midline over about the 2nd-3rd toes.
2:59: Dip to sit spin position - Aim for a 5 second hold, 5 each side. Build your leg strength! Strengthen your stabilizer muscles by holding this statically. The glutes, quads, core, hip flexors, hamstrings, and core all work together to stabilize your position. Engage your core and keep your back straight while spinning and rising up.
4:45: Spiral to 1 foot glide - Aim for a 5 second hold, 5 each side. Ensure that the hamstring, glutes, back, and core are all working together to lift the leg behind the free hip. Pull your torso up tall to end the spiral and keep the core engaged the whole time.
5:51: Skater Jumps – 10 each side. Work on your endurance. This is also a great exercise on the ice to warm up jumps and also target each leg unilaterally to discover any imbalances. This movement targets the glutes and hamstrings which are often underactive, which leads to poor posture and possibly pain.